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  • Thu, April 13, 2017 11:51 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    The main reasons insurance agents don’t generate free insurance leads as often and as effectively as they could is because:

    They don’t match their marketing campaigns to their natural marketing personality(ies)

    They don’t have a quick and easy to implement list of free marketing campaigns and tasks;

    They don’t schedule time in their weekly schedule for marketing tasks that will consistently generate leads;

    They won’t track and hold agency staff accountable for tasks and conversations that will naturally generate leads;

    They won’t outsource marketing tasks they refuse to schedule or do.

    Join us for a 4 part webinar series that starts Friday, 4/21/2017 at 10 AM Central, where we show you more than 30+ ways to generate free leads for your insurance agency.


    30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads for Insurance Agents

    Sponsored by: 

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring –  

    Datalot Warm Transfer Calls – Click here for more details or call 855-466-6890

    VistaPrint Promotional Items 

    Cost? Free to registrants 

    Webinar Workshop Agenda 

    There are four web sessions that make up the "30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads for Insurance Agents web series 

    Web Sesssion One: 

    30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads (Part 1) (90 Minute Web Session)


    Snapshot Summary: 

    Between part 1 and part 2 of the webinar, we will show you more than 30+ ways to effectively and consistently drive free leads to your insurance agency using: SEO techniques, written content, email, survey calls, social networking, local news reporters, and much more. You will be blown away by the amount of techniques that will drive free leads to your business. 

    Web Session Two: 

    30+ Ways to Generate Free Leads (Part 2) (90 Minute Web Session) 

    Snapshot Summary: See part one summary 

    Web Session Three: 

    Marketing Technology – Outsourcing, Text Messaging, Voice Hotlines, Mobile Apps, and More. 

    Snapshot Summary: 

    Outsourcing is a major part of growing a successful insurance agency in today's competitive environment. We will look at various tasks and vendors that you should consider for outsourcing. 

    Web Session Four: 

    Questions and Answer Session 

    Snapshot Summary: 

    We will answer your specific questions and eliminate the concerns that could stop you from implementing the processes and tasks discussed throughout the series. 

    These sessions will change the way you market your insurance agency for the remainder of your career. Don't miss them! 

  • Thu, April 13, 2017 11:30 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Click on the link below to hear an actual recording of a live interview for an insurance licensed sales producer.

    Click Here

    Insurance Specific Applicant Interview Questions

    Download the Licensed Sales Producer Interview Questions and the Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring provided Insurance Agency Job Application Template for your agency.

    Click here to download the actual questions used in the interview

    Use the Licensed Sales Producer Interview Questions to ask the right questions at the right time. Included is a link to a live audio interview with an applicant.

    Always have the applicant complete a position specific job application. 

    Don’t rely on a resume. A good job application will:

    • Give you a standard format to review which makes it easier and faster to get through more applicants

    • Allow you to effectively perform a side-by-side comparison of applicants

    • Allow you to quickly identify expertise and skills that match the position

  • Wed, March 01, 2017 11:14 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Always start the implementation of a new process with email and technology.

    As much as you’d like to believe that you and your staff will immediately change your conversations and actions because you just introduced a new process or task to the agency, it’s not going to happen that way!

    It will take consistent training, role play, and accountability before a new process becomes a habit in the agency.

    This is why we strongly suggest and encourage you to start with email templates that support the process as your initial process implementation step.


    Email is easy to set up, easy to automate, and simple for the staff to personalize and send out.

    Email will say the statements and phrases that you eventually want your staff to say.

    Often, the customer will bring up the content of the email when talking to a staff or team member and this alone can force the team member to have to learn the proper responses when confronted with a question about the content.

    You can easily add additional tools such as hyperlinks, web forms, and video that can add more value to your emails.


    Technology such as a good contact management and marketing system (See the Data and Marketing Super Center) or an agency management system will allow you to automate many of the steps and tasks within a process that staff cannot or will not do effectively.

    Please don’t over think this or make it more complicated than it needs to be, simply modify the email templates provided in the Video and Document Library by Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring that support the processes you want to implement in the business and let the sending of email be the first tasks you hold you and your team accountable for accomplishing.

    Your Technology should allow you to automate many of the tasks and tasks reminders associated with the process. This will help with both the implementation of the process and the accountability of staff actions.

    If your current technology doesn’t allow you to automate tasks you have the wrong technology. You don’t have to run out and immediately start technology shopping. Try using your calendar tool such as Outlook or Gmail to set reminders and assign/reassign tasks.

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring has helped 1000s of insurance agents and small businesses to implement effective tasks and processes in their business, so trust us when we say “Start with Email!”


    • 1.       Choose the tasks or processes you want to implement
    • 2.       Develop the talk paths that you want your staff/team to say to customers and/or prospects
    • 3.       Create email templates that emphasize the talk paths
    • 4.       Send the email template at the appropriate times. This can be before you actually talk to a customer or prospect or as a follow-up or confirmation email after talking to a customer or prospect.
    • 5.       Check the send log of the email template as part of your accountability spot checks.

    For additional insight into running a successful insurance agency or small business, check out our business mentoring programs at

    Want to attend one of our upcoming live, in-person workshops? (Houston, TX is next on 3/24/2017)

    Check out our live workshop schedule at:

  • Wed, January 25, 2017 2:29 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Is binge working destroying your professional life or the business you own? Read on to find out.

    You’ve no doubt heard of binge drinking and binge eating, but you probably haven’t heard of binge working.

    Just like the previously mentioned binges, binge working is a pattern of performing an excessive amount of work in a short period of time, or, expecting an excessive amount of work in a short period of time from others.

    Being a binge worker is not the same as being a workaholic. Workaholics work consistently at their job; the pace and amount of work they perform rarely changes.

    Binge workers on the other hand have massive swings in their work production and emotions.

    Binge workers usually only work at their binge pace for a short time, the rest of the time they tend to be unproductive and inefficient with their time and activities.
    There are many problems and issues related to being a binge worker, especially a binge leader! Here are just a few:

    • Just like a binge drinker, or a binge eater, binge workers tend to be emotionally and verbally abusive when they are on their binge. They often say things like “things are going to change around here.” “You guys have been taking advantage of me and I am sick of it.” Or, “I’m going to have to fire you if you don’t get your act together.”
    • Dr. Billy R. Williams (#billyrwilliamsphd) President of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring had this to say “When I work with a small business as a mentor, I immediately look for the symptoms of binge leadership, once I see it, I know my number one job is to calm down the team members and to try to mitigate the emotional damage that the binge leader has caused.”


    • Binge leaders rarely train their staff or team members because of the leader’s poor time management and complete lack of focus. However, when they’re on a binge, they expect the team to be operating at peak efficiency and binge right along with them, often requiring the employees or team members to stay late or come in early.


    • “I created the Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Video and Document Library to give employees and team members of insurance agencies and small businesses a resource that they could turn to for easy, but very comprehensive, step-by-step training and mentoring:”


    • Binge leadership usually results in high staff turnover since success measurements change from moment to moment depending on the mood of the binge leader.


    • Binge workers and leaders try to perform too many task and projects that they are not qualified or educated enough to do, which results in a lot of “started but never completed projects.”


    • Binge leaders often (very often) pull their employees and other team members off of their schedules and tasks because they want their binge ideas to take priority over everything else. This generally disrupts the entire office or organization and leads to an immense amount of frustration.


    • When a binge worker or leader comes off of their binge, they leave a mess for others to have to clean up. “Often when a business comes to us for mentoring, it is to clean up the mess that a binge situation has caused in the business.” Said Billy R. Williams PhD. President of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring.


    • If the binge worker is the owner or leader in the business, they are generally the reason their business never moves forward. It’s hard to move forward when the majority of the employees’ work day is spent fixing problems a binge leader causes.

    I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
    If you are a binge leader here are some things you can do to “get the hell out of your own way!”

    • Use as much automation as possible in the day to day operation of your business. Automation isn’t afraid of your binge tirades and it will not call in sick just to avoid you. Using automation such as drip email schedules, automated phone tools, and tracking tools will help with the consistency of operating your business. (Check out the Data and Marketing Super Center CRM)


    • Have your employees and team members follow a daily tasks and process schedule. It is much more difficult to pull your team off of their tasks when the tasks are an everyday part of the culture of your business.


    • Have a set schedule (day and time) for your leadership tasks to get accomplished. Schedules help control binges.


    • Have a mentor and/or a board of advisors that you talk to on a regular basis. A good mentor and/or a board of advisors will help keep your binges under control and help you identify your weaknesses. (Inspire a Nation has mentoring memberships starting at $29.00/month)


    • Outsource tasks and processes that you tend to screw up. Be honest with yourself, if you are not good at a tasks, get the hell out of the way and let someone that is good at the tasks, do the dang task! If you hired bad employees that can’t learn to properly perform a needed task or process, that is your fault, and you have to make a business decision: either train them, or get rid of them. This one time where your binge actually comes in handy, since you will probably fire them while you are ticked off.


    • Find your happy place and your energy makers! Usually binge working is a result of dealing with stressful issues outside of the work place such as people or finances. (Though usually your money problems are a direct result of your binge working and the problems it causes.) Prayer, reading motivational books, and surrounding yourself with high energy people will help you find your happy place.

    If you want more of this type of wisdom, attend a live Inspire a Nation workshop when it comes to a city near you. Click here to see the 2017 workshop schedule:
    If you liked this article, please give it a like, and leave a comment about a binge worker/leader scenario you have experienced in your career.

    Thank you for your time today!

    Billy R. Williams, PhD
    President - Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring 

  • Mon, December 26, 2016 2:01 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Small businesses are bombarded each day with advertisements trying to sell them the latest and greatest products and tools to grow their business.

    With all of that information packed into your brain, it is easy to fall into a "paralysis-by-analysis" state and literally not do anything for weeks or months.

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring understands that what you really need is a step-by-step, no gimmick filled, small business marketing plan that is free, instantaneous, and specific to your budget and your business needs, and that is based on the real world experience of a small business mentoring company that has worked with 1000's of small business owners just like you.

    Now in under 2 minutes (at no cost) you can create a small business marketing plan that is specific to your budget and provided information, and that is instantly emailed to you.

    Click here to create your free, instantaneous, and personalized Small Business Marketing Plan -

  • Mon, December 19, 2016 11:17 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Effectively Marketing Your Small Business – The 7 Marketing Personalities

    What is your natural marketing personality? What is your company’s natural marketing personality?

    Today’s post is based on the book “How to Make Your Business a Magnet for Inbound Prospects” (Amazon Books)

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring ( puts 110% of its focus, energy, and resources into mentoring small businesses on how to effectively operate and grow, but our job is often made much more difficult because of the natural marketing personality of the business leader and/or the person responsible for marketing the business.

    Each person has a dominant marketing personality. That’s not to say that you can’t or shouldn’t be good at multiple types of marketing, but there are always one or two types that you naturally prefer.

    Each business has a dominant marketing personality as well. Often the marketing in a business is influenced by factors and resources (abundant or limited) such as the marketing personality of the leadership, the technical skill set of the person or people responsible for marketing, and of course resources such as money, technology, and time.

    Each of the 7 marketing personalities has its own strengths and weaknesses, which means that relying on just one personality type or marketing campaign type will limit the overall success of marketing and advertising in your company.

    The main weaknesses that I see in marketing is using the wrong keywords (What people use to search online for your product or service) and weak calls-to-action (What you want people to do next after they come in contact with your marketing or advertising campaign). If a prospect is ready to buy right now they will look for a keyword or key phrase like: “Purchase product X in minutes with no hassle,” but instead marketers will say things like “download our free brochure for more information”, and while there is nothing wrong with giving away a free brochure, you just made a “read-to-buy” prospect into a shopper.

    My point is by using a variety of marketing and advertising campaigns and marketing personalities you will have enough variety in your marketing to catch the attention of the 3 main types of prospects:

    • ·         ready-to-buy prospects,
    • ·         prospects looking for more information, and
    • ·         impulse shoppers (prospects that had no interest in your product or service till they saw your marketing or advertising campaign or content)

    I am going to write an entire article on this topic in January 2017, so register for our newsletter ( and be on the lookout.

    Let’s look at the 7 Marketing Personalities:

    1.       Mailers: postal mail and email
    Mailers like to consistently send postal mail and/or email to their customers and prospects. They prefer for the customer or prospect to react to the marketing and advertising campaign. They like low-hanging fruit (The customer contacts them)
    Positives: Both postal mail and email can be creative, automated, and easily tracked for response rates and ROI (Return on investment). The collection of email addresses and following up with a customer or prospect by email should be a part of every marketing campaign. Email is generally low cost.
    Negatives: Postal mail can be very expensive when the right keywords, key phrases, and calls-to-action elements are not added to the mailings. The response rates usually stay around the norm of 3% or less. Email generally has a low response rate and like postal mail, if effective keywords, key phrases and calls-to-action are not used, the email can feel spammy to the receiver.

    2.       Writers: marketing letters, emails, articles, blogs, social networking posts, books, etc.
    Writing is one of my co-dominant marketing personalities, so I intimately understand its strengths and weaknesses. Writers love to share experiences and wisdom and will willingly share their words with anyone that will take the time to read them
    Positives: Writers are great providers of information, they generally understand a topic, product, or service at depths that the average person does not. A good writer will pull you into the message and keep you engaged.
    Negatives: Writers tend to take a long time to put out a marketing or prospecting campaign, because they have to brainstorm, create, write, and proofread the message. Usually writers are perfectionist, so what would take one of the other personality types a day to create, it will take a writer a week or two. Writers tend to go overboard with the amount of information they put out, so something that should be short and sweet like a postcard, becomes a full blown tri-fold brochure. The main negative is that writers tend to turn “ready-to-buy” prospects into shoppers; (“You gave me so much information, I need to think about and get back to you”)

    3.       Talkers: telemarketing, face-to-face meetings, vendor booths, in-office visits, live presentations, conference calls, webinars, etc.
    Talking is my co-dominant marketing personality. I say “co” because I truly love both writing and talking. At the end of the day the ability to properly explain your product and/or service and how it will improve the quality of life of your customer or prospect is what being in business is all about.
    Positives: Same positives as writing with additional positives of timeliness, (a talker will talk to anyone, at any time, pretty much about anything), and a talker doesn’t need a long marketing campaign set-up window (Give them a target prospect, a marketing list, or a geographic area and they will make it happen)
    Negatives: Talkers tend to be more focused on delivering what we want to say than in actually listening to our customers and prospects. A talkers marketing materials can be so self-focused and self-promotional that it only attracts prospects that are looking for “superman/superwoman” to save them which means you can easily find yourself dealing with clients and customers that need constant hand-holding through the entire relationship. Talkers have to control their ego or they will over-promise and under-deliver. My grandfather use to say “You can’t talk that much without some of it being pure bull**********.

    4.       Techies: SEO, internet driven traffic, marketing gadgets and tools, mobile traffic, social networking, etc.
    Techies are dominating the marketing and advertising space and are poised to do so for a long time. Listen to the following words carefully “If you don’t have a techie marketing personality, you need to make sure that someone on your team has a techie marketing personality, or that you outsource part of your marketing and advertising to a person or company that can add and manage technology to your marketing and advertising mix.”  
    Positives: By using SEO, online search results, and tools such as apps and widgets, techies can generate prospects that have an active interest in your products, services, and information; marketing results are trackable, the ROI of marketing and advertising campaigns can be easily calculated, a campaign can be easily implemented, most campaigns run on auto-pilot which means lower time commitment from everyone involved.
    Negatives: When something screws up, it really screws up! Keep your techies close by, don’t let them set up something and just walk away. Without good follow-up by talkers or writers, ready-to-buy- prospects can be easily overlooked or ignored. Often, online prospects tend to be more price focused than quality focused, your marketing campaigns MUST make the entire process easy and seamless. Often this is a big issue when a non-techie business hires a techie to generate leads, the prospect is expecting everything to be as quick and easy like their online search, but the business hasn’t updated their back end operations.

    5.       Networkers: networking events, multiple referral partners, customer referral campaigns and conversations, etc.
    Building referral networks is an awesome way to grow your business . . .  as long as you put effort and energy into maintaining your referral relationships and referral campaigns.
    Positives: Referrals tend to absorb up to 30% more price or rate with hesitation, a good group of referral partners can keep your prospect funnel humming along like a finely tuned machine, generally a referral is less stressful to deal with than a purchased or generated lead.
    Negatives: Business can easily ebb and flow if the referral networks are not maintained and contacted on a regular basis, Referrals require more hand-holding than other prospect types, referrals tend to only want to deal with the person they were referred to, if the referral relationship is built on compensation for referrals, weak cash flow can disrupt your referral funnel.

    6.       Traditional Media: television, radio, billboards, magazines, etc.
    Remember I am writing this article for small business owners, so while the use of traditional media is still an option, the cost and return on investment could far out way the benefits.
    Positives: You and your brand are put in front of a large audience of potential prospects, you can tailor your message to a specific niche or demographic, increased brand recognition is a major benefit and can lead to other branding opportunities such as newspaper interviews, guest speaking opportunities, and an increased professional network.
    Negatives: Traditional media can be very expensive, difficult to measure an immediate return on investment, difficult to track reach and results, could produce immediate results or could be a total waste of money. Small business leaders should perform a lot of research and ask a lot of questions before committing to a traditional media marketing contract, especially local or national television.

    7.       Non Marketers: They don’t perform any type of marketing, they mainly rely on current customer referrals.
    Positives: Low cost, prospects are generally pre-sold before they ever talk to you, easy to track, high ROI.
    Negatives: unpredictable, it’s difficult to predict cash flow when you don’t know when and where your next prospect is coming from.

    Often a business can get so hooked on one type of marketing that they lose focus of the various types of marketing and advertising campaigns that are available to them.

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring specializes in helping small business owners to effectively operate and grow their business. They have 3 niche business types they specialize in helping: (Click on the topic for more information)

    Click on one of the links above to sign up for one of our services or to do a little more research. Note: The faith-based audio classes are 100% free.

    Interested in the book “How to Make Your Business a Magnet for Inbound Prospects”?

    Read the first chapter at

  • Sun, December 11, 2016 2:22 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    The 7 Key Elements of a Business Card – Billy R. Williams, PhD. 

    In a small business your business card is not only a salesperson, but an important part of your marketing department. 

    Make sure your business card contains these 7 key elements:

    1. Name: Your name should be prominent and easily read. Avoid overly fancy fonts and styles. 

    2. Phone Number(s): Show all of the key phone numbers people can use to contact you. Most people use some type of scanning software for business cards, so don’t get carried away with fancy fonts, and don’t bury your phone numbers in colored backgrounds. If your phone number is text message capable, make sure you point that out. Example: Call or text message me ???-???-????. 

    3. Email Address and Website: Most people research you and your company to get a better idea of the products and services you provide. Make it easy for them to locate your website. 

    4. Logo or Photo: If you are branding yourself, you need a photo of you on your business card. That photo should be up to date, not a glamour shot photo from 10 years ago. If you are not using a photo then you should put your company logo on your card. Copyright 2016, Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring – 

    5. Company Tagline that clearly states a problem you solve: Have you ever received a business card and still had no clue what the person actually did professionally? The best business taglines tell a reader a problem your company solves or a benefit you offer. Examples: “We make financing your new home a breeze”, We provide over 200 models of cars to choose from” We make sure you have enough money to retire on your terms” We make choosing the right auto insurance easy and affordable” 

    6. Physical Address: Whether you use your physical address or not is up to you. If you operate an in-home business or an online business, use your website address instead of your physical address 

    7. Don’t Forget the Back The back of your business card is prime real estate, don’t waste it. List a few problems your company solves or a few products and services you offer. If it doesn’t clutter your card too much you can also provide your LinkedIn profile link, or your Facebook profile link, or, your fan page address. 

    What you need to remember is that your business card is contact tool. It’s meant to quickly tell people what you do and how they can contact you. 

    The two main mistakes when it comes to business cards are: 

    1. Using too fancy of a font. Your font should easily allow a person to scan your information using today’s business card scanning software. Most people will not take the time to type a business card into their data management system. 

    2. Too much information on a card. It’s a business card, not a brochure. Keep the area of the card that contains your contact information as clean and clutter free as possible, especially avoid dark letters with dark background colors.

  • Thu, December 01, 2016 9:44 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    We put out so much value focused information, educational sessions, general wisdom, and experience that it is easy for people to overlook the fact that we are a membership based organization.

    We know our competitors are bombarding you with special deals and offers, so here is a quick reminder of what we bring to the table.

    Below is a summary of our benefits, membership levels, and prices

    What benefits will I see if I properly utilize your Insurance Agency Mentoring Service?

    • An Increase in Effective Marketing Activities
    • An Increase in Monthly: Item, Policy, and Premium Production
    • An Increase in Customer Satisfaction and Retention
    • A Reduced Number of Premium Decrease Endorsements
    • An Increase in the  Number of Premium Increase Endorsements
    • A Reduced Number of Broker of Record Request to Leave the Agency
    • An Increased Number of Broker of Record Request to Join the Agency
    • An Increase in Referrals
    • An Increase in Testimonials
    • A More Accurate and Sanitized Customer and Contact Database
    • More Efficient and Effective Use of the Agency's Technology
    • An Effective Process for Interviewing, Hiring, Training, and Accountability of Agency Staff
    • A More Profitable and Successful Agency


    Q. How does Inspire a Nation accomplish the benefits you mentioned above?

     A. By providing the agency and all team members of the agency:

    • The Inspire a Nation Video and Document Library. This is the most comprehensive and complete library of processes, step-by-step job-aids, marketing tools, and mentoring resources available in the insurance industry specific to operating a P&C insurance agency. If it happens in a P&C insurance agency, it's in the video and document library!
    • Private web mentoring session(s) for your agency team members with an Inspire a Nation process implementation specialist. We will train and role play the processes with your staff that is needed to help grow your agency.
    • Step by step: job-aids, scripts, screen captures, letter and email templates, automation and technology setup instructions, and process workflows that make it easy for you and your team to implement processes in your insurance agency,
    • A unique recommended process implementation plan focused on marketing, sales, service, and retention specific to your agency.
    • Help desk support by phone and email from the Inspire a Nation support team
    • (Special Note - We also provide the option to have an Inspire a Nation Mentor spend up to 3 days in your agency and provide hands-on training and mentoring to your agency team members.

    What are the different levels of membership and prices?

    Level 1: Small Agency Membership $129.00/month OR $1290.00 annual

    To qualify for the Level 1 Small Agency Membership the agency must have a total of 10 or less team members that are affiliated with the agency.


    Level 2: Medium Agency/Group Membership $299.00/month OR $2990.00 annual

    To qualify for the Level 2 Medium Agency Membership the agency or group must have a minimum of 11 and no more than 30 team members that are affiliated with the organization.


    Level 3: Large Agency/Group Membership $12,000.00 and up (Annual Membership Only!)

    To qualify for the Level 3 Large Agency Group Membership the agency or group should have 30+ team members or sub agencies that are affiliated with the agency or group. The actual membership rate will be negotiated based on the total size of the group.

    This is the perfect membership for agency clusters, aggregators, insurance companies, and insurance organizations

    Questions on signing up for the Level 3 Membership ?Please contact our corporate offices at info@inspireanation.orgor 682-200-1808



    ($349/month – Limited Availability)

     (The agency must have 10 staff members or less)

    The purpose of this membership level is to teach the agency principal how to operate an effective and efficient agency.


    This membership level is for agents/agencies that need to outsource operational management of the agency for a short term in order to make sure training, key tasks, processes, and accountability occur in the agency.

    Our team becomes the part-time office manager that most agents/agencies wish they had in place.

    Benefits include:

    • A weekly mentoring and accountability web meeting or phone meeting with the agency principal(s)
    • A biweekly production review/forecast/role play web meeting with the agency staff members. (2 web meetings per month)
    • Our team helps with the set-up of automation such as drip email, text messaging, dial technology tools, and use of your social networking tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • We help you maximize the use of your website, Google Analytics, email collection processes, local online directories, SEO, YouTube, and other online tools.
    • We also help you create and effectively use traditional marketing campaigns such as postal mail, telemarketing, group presentations, and referral campaigns.

    Note: We do not create websites, or social networking profiles, but we do help you maximize their use!

    The agency principal is responsible for all purchases and payments related to using recommended automation, tools, and marketing campaigns.



  • Mon, November 28, 2016 6:45 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Tonight's ICECREAM lessons are centered around 


    Philippians 2:3

    Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.


    Proverbs 18:15

    An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. 

    Please leave a comment!

  • Mon, November 14, 2016 2:47 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    The ICECREAM conference call for faith based business leaders is tonight at 8PM Eastern, 7PM Central, 6 PM Mountain and 5PM Pacific

    If you already registered, great!

    If you did not register: Here is the website link:

    Please download the session one  training handout by clicking here or on the picture below. Please leave your comments about the session in the comments area

    Today’s two Main Topics: Income/Money and Covering Your Weaknesses

    Tonight’s Conference Call Outline:

    • I.                    God’s 5 main purposes for a business

    a)      Passion: Gives you an outlet to do the things that God has placed in your heart to love

    b)      Product: God wants us to create and deliver goods and services that solves problems for other people

    c)       Philanthropy: God wants us to give spiritually, physically, and financially to our religious organizations and our communities

    d)      Profits: Without profits the business can’t sustain the prior 3 main purposes that God has for a business

    e)      Personification: To be a role model of God’s teachings and principles

    • II.                  God’s Expectation of a Faith Based Business Leader

    III.                The 10 items it takes to run a successful faith based business

    IV.                Why A Board of Advisors is part of God’s plan for your business?

    V.                  Why “Lack of Discipline” is the most expensive item you will ever own?

    Click here to register

    “Don’t Let Your I.C.E.C.R.E.A.M. Get Messy!”

    (Lessons Most Faith Based Business Leaders Learn the Hard Way)









    Deuteronomy 8:18 You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.


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© Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

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(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

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