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  • Wed, December 04, 2024 7:58 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)


    "Running a successful insurance agency in 2025 requires mastering the 26 Core Insurance Agency Processes. These processes are the foundation for efficiency, growth, and delivering excellent customer service. Let’s dive in!"

    Section 1: The Foundation

    1. Getting Your Insurance License
      "Every journey starts here—obtaining the required state licensing is the first step to becoming an insurance agent."
    2. Acquiring Carriers
      "Building partnerships with carriers ensures you can offer a variety of products to meet your clients’ needs."
    3. Completing Your Business Plan Snapshot
      "A solid business plan snapshot helps you outline your goals, strategies, and operations clearly."

    Section 2: The Framework

    1. Understanding the S4TS Framework
      "The S4TS Framework—Standards, Time Blocking, Tasks, Templates, Training, and Spot-Checking—guides every aspect of your operations."
    2. Staffing Your Insurance Agency
      "Your team is your agency’s backbone. Hiring and training skilled staff sets the stage for growth."

    Section 3: Growing Your Agency

    1. Marketing Your Agency
      "Attracting and retaining customers requires a well-thought-out marketing strategy."
    2. Prospecting
      "Connecting with potential clients builds your pipeline and fuels your business."
    3. Lead Management
      "Organizing and nurturing leads ensures they become long-term customers."

    Section 4: Perfecting Sales and Service

    1. Mastering the Sales Process
      "Refine your techniques to close sales and boost revenue."
    2. New Customer Onboarding
      "A seamless onboarding process creates a positive first impression for your clients."
    3. Administrative Tasks
      "Day-to-day operations like documentation and compliance keep your agency running smoothly."
    4. Customer Service Tasks
      "Meeting client needs with prompt and professional service builds loyalty."

    Section 5: Handling Policies and Renewals

    1. Understanding Billing
      "Manage payments, refunds, and financial transactions with accuracy."
    2. Processing Endorsements
      "Quickly and correctly adjust policies to match customer needs."
    3. Handling Insurance Claims
      "Guide clients through claims processes to ensure timely resolutions."
    4. Leveraging Special Events
      "Use milestones like birthdays and renewals to deepen client relationships."
    5. Pre-Renewal Processes
      "Review and prepare policies to ensure smooth renewals."

    Section 6: Leveraging Technology and Maximizing Efficiency

    1. Maximizing Technology Use
      "Automate operations and adopt tools to improve efficiency."
    2. Product Knowledge Training
      "Equip your team with the knowledge they need to confidently sell and serve."
    3. Commissions Reconciliation
      "Track and reconcile commission payments to maintain financial accuracy."
    4. Carrier Fulfillment and Requests
      "Coordinate with carriers to ensure policies are issued and services delivered on time."

    The Inspire a Nation Process Implementation Method

    "At Inspire a Nation, we’ve developed the S4TS Process Implementation Method to bring these processes to life. Here's how it works:

    • Standards: Set clear goals and expectations.
    • Time-Blocking: Prioritize critical activities.
    • Task Steps: Follow detailed, repeatable processes.
    • Templates and Automation: Use tools to streamline workflows.
    • Spot-Checking and Training: Ensure accountability and maintain quality."


    "Our processes aren’t just theory—they work.

    • 'Billy is patient and helps simplify the complex. This program is a game-changer!' – Taylor Garcia

    • 'Dr. Billy raised the standards for our entire agency!' – Matt Snowden"

    Check out the Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Insurance Agent Mentoring and Coaching program at or by calling 1-682-206-3836.

  • Wed, April 26, 2023 12:29 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Business Referral Partners are essential for companies that are looking to grow and expand their customer base.

    By partnering with another business, companies can increase referrals, access new markets, engage in cost-effective marketing, increase trust and credibility, and collaborate on new opportunities.

    These benefits can lead to increased sales, new customers, and a positive reputation.

    Do you have 20 active business referral partners sending you leads each month?

    If not, you need to sign up for an Inspire a Nation membership and get access to all the videos, scripts, templates, and other training resources that are part of this session.

    During the session, we will go over the best:

    Professions to target

    How to use social networking to locate and connect with potential business referral partners

    Scripts and templates to use

    Tools you will need

    and much more.

  • Fri, April 07, 2023 7:54 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    On-Demand Webinar: Staffing and Training a P & C Insurance Agency For Success Even When Insurance Rates are skyrocketing!!!

    Register at or

    Are you constantly looking for excellent insurance agency staff?

    Are you failing at training your current staff to reach their full potential?

    Do you want to know how to maximize your current staff to help build and grow a successful insurance agency?

    Look no further than the on-demand webinar on "Staffing a Property and Casualty Insurance Agency for Success," presented by none other than Dr. Billy R. Williams, one of the world's leading authorities on the subject.

    With rate increases running rampant in the insurance industry and most of your time, resources, and conversations dedicated to retention, it's more important than ever to ensure your agency is staffed and trained for success.

    From the receptionist to the agency owner, everyone in the agency must be trained to not only retain customers but to look for new sales opportunities, while offering the coverage that will best protect a customer’s quality of life should they ever have to file a claim.

    This 90-minute webinar will cover everything you need to know, from staff training and accountability to how to locate and onboard new staff, to our recommendations on paying and bonusing staff.

    During the training, Dr. Williams will take you through rate increase role play, teaching you the five ways staff can influence a customer's insurance rate and the seven reasons insurance rates increase.

    Other topics covered in the webinar include:

    *Locating Staff Prospects

    *Interviewing Staff Prospects

    *A Recommendation on How to Pay Staff

    *Onboarding New Staff – Turning a Good New Hire into a Great New Team Member

    *How to Select Staff KPIs that Really Help You Grow Your Insurance Agency

    PREMIUM BONUS!!! Every Registrant will receive a copy of the Williams Family Investment Group Employee Handbook that can be easily modified and updated for your agency.

    This resource by itself is worth $1000’s to your agency!

    Register now at

    Whether you're looking to refresh the training of your current staff or bring on new hires, this webinar is a must-attend.

    Be prepared to learn from the best person on the planet to teach this topic.

    The cost is just $99 per agency, for non-active Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Agencies and free to active Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Members.

    The knowledge you'll gain is priceless. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your agency to the next level, because we've already figured it out for you, and we are going to teach you how to do it.

    Register now!

  • Thu, May 19, 2022 4:40 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Finding Business Referral Partners By Using LinkedIn

    Date: May 19, 2022


    Author: Dr. Billy Williams

    Use the month of June to build your base of Business Referral Partnerships with professionals that work with your target prospects.


    I am going to use LinkedIn as the example tool, but you can work this process with Facebook, Instagram, twitter, or any social networking site that allows you to locate and connect with other people.


    1. Sign in to LinkedIn

    2. Search for the type of profession and city i.e., "Property Managers Dallas"

    3. Once you find the people that you feel would be a good fit, Click on Connect

    LinkedIn Tip = The more total connections you have, the more 2nd connections you have and the more total opportunities for connections you will have.

    If you only see a Follow Button, click on the 3 dots to the right and you should see a connect button.

    4. Click on Add a note (If that option appears. It doesn't always give you an option)

    5. Type a version of the wording below. Make sure you give them an option to schedule a meeting with you or at least leave your contact information

    6. Click on Send.


    To maximize the “Referral Partner Campaign” you should:

    • 1.     send at least 100 Invites (25/day) before you decide the process isn't working.

    • 2.     Quickly follow up with anyone that responds to your connection request with a DM that says “Thanks for connecting, here is a link to download my electronic business card”

    • 3.     DO NOT write a long DM message trying to sell them on your products and services.

  • Tue, September 21, 2021 8:55 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    The 15 Best Insurance Agent Marketing Campaigns to Close Out the Sales Year

    Here are some interesting facts you might not be aware of:

    September through December is a critical time for insurance agencies and their marketing efforts.


    The two peak seasons for auto sales occur during the spring, from March through May and September through November.


    The end of the peak season for New Homeowner Sales is August and September, which means intelligent agencies should continue and possibly increase their homeowner insurance marketing since most other agencies are slowing down and coasting until the end of the year.


    September is Life Insurance Awareness Month.


    August through October have had the highest rate of childbirths for the last 16 years. Childbirths and a New Baby in the house are primary insurance shopping triggers.


    Does your agency sell Senior Products such as Medicare and Medicare Advantage? According to the AARP, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day, which is expected to continue into the 2030s. This means that nearly seven baby boomers are turning 65 every minute.


    Does your agency offer health insurance? Here is a partial list of health awareness campaigns that run starting in September:

    Pain Awareness Month

    National Cholesterol Education Month

    Blood Cancer Awareness Month

    National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

    National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

    National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

    Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month


    Does your agency sell Commercial Insurance? January is the primary month for new start-up businesses to incorporate. Based on the average commercial insurance sales cycle, those businesses will start shopping for their insurance three or four months out, September through December!


    What about agency staff and team members? Is September through November a productive time for them?

    Task-management software company, Redbooth, announced intriguing new research in 2018. Compiled over four years, the data revealed that the average worker is more productive in autumn. The average worker is 20 percent more productive in autumn than in the winter (11 percent more productive during the same timeframe than in spring and 7 percent more productive than in summer). The study also found that the most productive months of the year are September, October, and November.


    Most agencies wait until January and February to ramp up the marketing, but if they just did a little research, they would see that January and February are literally the slowest insurance sales months of the year for almost every major type of insurance, whereas September through November rank first or second in sales in virtually every area of insurance.

  • Wed, September 08, 2021 2:09 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    (2021 Update) A FREE Individualized Insurance Agent Marketing Plan in under 3 Minutes


    This Insurance Agency Marketing Plan Design Tool was developed by Billy R. Williams, PhD., President - Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Agency Investment Group.

    This is an update to the original Marketing Plan Tool that was released in 2014.

    In less than 3 minutes you will create a marketing plan that is individualized for your agency and that is based on your answers, the wisdom, and experience of the partner and member agencies of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring, and the Williams Family Agency Investment Group.




    Make sure you thoroughly read the provided mentoring points.


  • Wed, August 25, 2021 7:35 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)


    2 – Part Mini-Workshop. Thursday, September 2nd and 16th at 12:00 PM Central (1 PM Eastern, 11 AM Mountain, and 10 AM Pacific.

    September through December is a critical time for insurance agencies and their marketing efforts.

    Here are some interesting facts you might not be aware of:

    The two peak seasons for auto sales occur during the spring, from March through May and September through November.

    The end of the peak season for New Homeowner Sales is August and September, which means intelligent agencies should continue and possibly increase their homeowner insurance marketing since most other agencies are slowing down and coasting until the end of the year.

    September is Life Insurance Awareness Month.

    August through October have had the highest rate of childbirths for the last 16 years. Childbirths and a New Baby in the house are primary insurance shopping triggers.

    Does your agency sell Senior Products such as Medicare and Medicare Advantage? According to the AARP, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day, which is expected to continue into the 2030s. This means that nearly seven baby boomers are turning 65 every minute.

    Does your agency offer health insurance? Here is a partial list of health awareness campaigns that run starting in September:

    Pain Awareness Month

    National Cholesterol Education Month

    Blood Cancer Awareness Month

    Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

    National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month: 

    National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

    National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

    National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

    Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

    Does your agency sell Commercial Insurance? January is the primary month for new start-up businesses to incorporate. Based on the average commercial insurance sales cycle, those businesses will start shopping for their insurance three or four months out, September through December!

    What about agency staff and team members? Is September through November a productive time for them?

    Task-management software company, Redbooth, announced intriguing new research in 2018. Compiled over four years, the data revealed that the average worker is more productive in autumn. The average worker is 20 percent more productive in autumn than in the winter (11 percent more productive during the same timeframe than in spring and 7 percent more productive than in summer). The study also found that the most productive months of the year are September, October, and November.

    Most agencies wait until January and February to ramp up the marketing, but if they just did a little research, they would see that January and February are literally the slowest insurance sales months of the year for almost every major type of insurance, whereas September through November rank first or second in sales in virtually every area of insurance.

    Billy R. Williams, Ph.D., President of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and The Williams Family Investment Group (A group of 160+ Insurance Agencies that produce over a Billion dollars a year in new and renewal insurance premiums) has put together a list of 15 MARKETING CAMPAIGNS AND TASKS EVERY INSURANCE AGENT SHOULD DO TO CLOSE OUT THE LAST QUARTER OF THE SALES YEAR

    Do you need detailed information and training on the 15 Marketing Campaigns and tasks? Register for our upcoming Webinars:

    15. Each Week, reach out by (P.E.T.S.) Phone, Email, Text Messages (with verified permission), and Social Networking to all contacts with an upcoming birthday that week.



    14. Create an Agency Introduction Video, post it to YouTube and Social Networks, and Phone, Email, and Text (With verified permission) it to all your contacts.



    13. Start a LinkedIn or Facebook Group specifically for your primary target prospect or niche and invite all former customers and quoted-not-sold prospects to join the group.

    12. Contact each customer that reported a claim and offer them a Life Insurance Quote and Appointment

    11. Purchase Real-Time Internet Leads if you have the technology and automation to effectively work Real-Time Internet Leads; if not, purchase aged internet leads up to 89 days old, or 300 – 360 days old;

    10. Go through your current book and accurately identify your agency's top 3 sources of leads. If it is Business Referral Partners or Customers, send them a small "Thank You" gift, and do a Social Networking write-up about them, and ask them to comment on the post why they send referrals to your agency;

    9. Send out a LinkedIn request to 25 potential Business Referral Partners each week for the remainder of the year;

    8. Reach out to all current Business Referral Partners by PETS and ask them to write or update a previously written Google Review by adding the current day/month/year to the end of the review;


    7. Select two specific policy weaknesses that are prominent in your current book of business, such as "Low Rental Car Coverage Limits" or "Homeowners with no additional Jewelry Coverage," and perform a P.E.T.S. Contact Blitz;


    6. Create a short "Are we still competing for your insurance business?" video and send it out by email to all of your "quoted-not-sold" prospects;

    5. Create a short "We want you back" video and send it out by email and a Facebook Custom Audience Ad to all of your Former Customers;

    4. Thoroughly Update your Google My Business profile;

    3. Pick One Major Coverage or Product you want to offer your Book of Business and Send an Electronic Signature Declined Coverage Form to Every Customer that does not currently have the coverage or product;


    2. Contact the claims advocate at your top 3 carriers and find out what the top 3 reported claim types for the year so far, and build marketing campaigns around those reported claim types;

    1. Block off two hours per day to perform Revenue-Generating Activities


    Do you want more of this knowledge and wisdom-based insurance agent mentoring?


    Visit the Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring website at  

  • Tue, August 03, 2021 11:57 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    One of our most popular training topics is back!

    Join us for a game-changing conference call training session



    This was one of our most requested and best attended training sessions in 2020!


    Thursday, August 5th, 2021, 12 PM Central (1 PM Eastern, 11 PM Mountain, 10 AM Pacific)


    Join the conference call:

    Dial-in number: (712) 770-4160 Access code: 619864

    With the industry-wide prediction that more current insurance customers will shop their insurance than ever before, it is imperative that your entire team understand how to obliterate insurance sales objections

    Billy R. Williams Ph.D., president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the senior instructor of the "Fix My Insurance Agency - 10 Million Insurance Revenue Workshop" will teach attendees how to overcome the top 6 sales objections commonly heard in an insurance agency

    1. The price is too high

    2. I will have to think about it

    3. I need to talk to my spouse/partner

    4. I have it at work

    5. I want to look around some more

    6. Now is not a good time to talk about it

    You can ignore or skip this free sales objection training, but why would you?

    "If a person can walk down the street and get the same conversation, products, knowledge, wisdom, and experience that you bring to the table . . . at a lower price, they would be a fool not to do it!" - Billy R. Williams, Ph.D.

  • Thu, July 08, 2021 12:05 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Dr. Billy R. Williams interviews Reid Holzworth the new CEO of IVANS

    Ask any independent agent if they have heard of IVANS, and they will undoubtedly say yes.

    In fact, most will tell you they have an IVANS account.

    But, if you ask them how IVANS operates?

    Where is the IVANS connectivity with carriers, agency management systems, and agencies headed in the next 12 months?

    And, how can an agent maximize the growth of their book of business by leveraging IVANS data? You will often get a blank stare.

    This interview between the two insurance industry powerhouses takes a deep dive into how IVANS is opening the customer data pipeline that many agents have craved for years.

    Whether you are a carrier, agency management system provider, or function within an insurance agency, you will benefit from this interview.

  • Wed, June 23, 2021 7:34 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    If you are not signed up for the 3 - Part Mini-Workshop Series on the Best Lead Generation Campaigns for an Insurance Agency, look at a snippet of what you have missed so far:

    Session One, Thursday June 3, 2021:

    The Best Marketing Campaigns for an Insurance Agency

    Session Two, Thursday, June 17, 2021:

    The Best Lead Management Practices for an Insurance Agency

    Session Three, Thursday July 1, 2021:  A Recap of Sessions One and two and "Onboarding New Insurance Customers - Best Practices"

    REGISTER for the live workshop at

    Active Mentoring Subscribers: All training is recorded and available to active members only inside the Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Video and Document Library.

    REGISTER for the live workshop at

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PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

For the fastest response Text your First Name, Last Name, and Question to our central message center at 682-206-3836

(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

Texting to our Central Message Center is considered written permission for Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Investment Group to communicate with you by text message.



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