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  • Sat, November 12, 2016 9:53 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Watch and Listen as Tom Shriver exposes the dirty little secrets that ruined internet leads for insurance agents and other professions

  • Mon, November 07, 2016 12:34 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Don't Let Your ICECREAM Get Messy

    Business lessons most faith based business leaders learn the hard way!

    4 session conference call

    Deuteronomy 8:18 You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

    Join us starting Monday November 14,, 2016 at 7 PM Central (8 PM Eastern, 6 PM Mountain, and 5 PM Pacific) for a (free) 4 session conference call course that is specifically for current or want-to-be faith based entrepreneurs, business owners, and business leaders.

    To register:

    This 4 session course is for all business leaders that want to operate a faith-based business in today’s secular business environment. Based on biblical principles and WWJD (What would Jesus do?) teachings, this course is unlike any course you will ever attend in your professional career.

    Throughout the course you will receive hands-on, real-world guidance in money management, marketing and advertising, business relationships you must have in place to maximize your business, staffing, and other areas that a faith-based entrepreneur must understand and manage on a daily basis.

    We have a power packed line up of faith-based guest presenters and thought leaders

                  And more! 

    Moderated by Billy R. Williams, PhD

    At the end of the course you will not only walk away prepared to be a better faith-based business leader, but a better business person that can compete with any business (big or small) within your chosen niche.

    Often faith-based entrepreneurs make business and life mistakes simply because no one took the time to teach them what they were doing wrong and how their actions and thoughts did not align with biblical principles.

    ICECREAM is an acronym that stands for Income/Money, Covering your Weaknesses, Ego/Emotions/Expectations, Communication, Relationships, Education, Asking Questions, and Mentors.

    These 8 areas when managed with passion and discipline can be a road to wealth and success. However when the areas are mismanaged they can lead to problems, sleepless nights, criminal charges, and outright financial failure. In other words most entrepreneurs can make enough money to get into trouble, but not enough to get out of trouble!

    This course is taught by Billy R. Williams, PhD, President – Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Agency Investment Group.

    Dr. Williams began his business career with a start-up insurance agency in 2004 and has built it into a group of business partners from different industries that generate over $600 Million a year in new and renewal sales.

    His ability to teach this course is not only based on his successes in business, but his failures, lack of discipline in key areas of business, and the multitude of mistakes he has made throughout his business career. Yet, with God’s grace and mercy, he has managed to grow the company, increase the earnings and quality of life of 1000’s of business owners, their staff members, and the families that depend on them.

    Along with Dr. Williams there will be awesome guest presenters that will share their faith based business successes and failures and how by keeping their biblical principles in the forefront of everything they do in business, they are able to compete and win in the business world.


    Have your bibles, laptops, tablets, and notepads ready as we will have real world, hands-on set up of free business and marketing processes to help you grow your faith-based business.

    To register:

    What: ICECREAM Business Lessons Faith Based Business Leaders Tend to Learn the Hard Way, 4 Part Conference Call Series -


    When: Monday Evenings from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Central Time Zone (8 PM Eastern, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific) -

    Starting Monday 11/14/2016 - Last Session: Monday 12/5/2016 -


    Who should attend? Both faith based and non-faith based business leaders that want to learn how to follow ethical, time-tested, bible based principles that will allow them to not only compete, but win in their chosen niche and/or profession.


    The sessions are moderated by Billy R. Williams, PhD., President - Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring (, and each session will have featured guest speakers sharing their faith based business experiences, wisdom, and expertise.


  • Fri, October 07, 2016 6:41 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Watch this short video on text messaging

  • Wed, September 21, 2016 10:46 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    From Dr. Billy R. Williams, President – Williams Family Investment Group & Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring:

    “As an insurance agent mentor and coach I am asked the same two questions everyday . . . What can I do to generate more leads and how do I properly pay and bonus my staff to get the best production out of them?”

    According to Jim Collins, “The purpose of a compensation plan is not to get the “wrong” people doing the right things, but to help you get the “right” people on the bus and keep them there.”

    Insurance agencies have changed every way they do business to compete in today’s marketplace, except the one that costs the most – Compensation.  Hourly and Salary wages entitle staff to get their full pay whether or not they do their job; then they expect a raise every year – regardless of the agency’s profitability. 

    Bonuses are offered to hopefully motivate staff but become either an entitlement or “request” to raise performance standards if staff wants the extra money, and as many agents have learned the hard way, unmotivated staff are rarely influenced by bonus money.

    Join me and my special guest Tom Baker of Catalyst Insurance Systems on a web meeting Monday September 26, 2016 at 3 PM Eastern ( 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain and 12 PM Pacific) as we give you real answers to real questions.

    Registration URL:

    Tom Baker, Insurance Systems Architect, and the team at Catalyst Insurance Systems, deliver to their agency clients – a completely customizable compensation program that is based on staff performance. Their Performance-Based Compensation Plan is designed to attract, maintain, and motivate staff while giving them an opportunity to earn more and have a vested interested in the agency’s growth and profitability. 

  • Wed, September 21, 2016 10:45 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    Free, Downloadable, Excel Training Course w/ Screen Captures!

    The ability to understand and use the functionality of a spreadsheet is quickly becoming a lost art. Because of this, many businesses are spending a lot of unnecessary money to rent prospect and customer contact lists and information that already resides in their company database; they just don’t know how to get it out (export it), properly format it to work with other technology tools such as their email and phone systems (format the spreadsheet), and use it to help grow their business.

    Click Here to download the free course

  • Wed, April 20, 2016 11:25 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)
    MP3 Audio Role Play of an Insurance Agency Production Forecast Meeting: Click here to listen
    View this email in your browser
    Use a Production Forecast/Training meeting to take back control of your business.

    MP3 Audio Role Play of an Insurance Agency Production Forecast Meeting: Click here to listen

    In the kid's movie Wall-E, technology made humans in the future lazy and unproductive. Unfortunately not only can over use of technology make you lazy when it comes to operating your small business, it can also decrease or eliminate the human interaction side of running a small business.

    Often I see small business owners that are clueless when it comes to the knowledge base of their staff; completely unaware of the frustrations that team members are feeling about their job; and offering little to no training support to the very people they depend on to keep the business operating smoothly. FYI . . .giving orders and complaining about performance is not training

    If you have a high employee turn over rate, It usually has a direct link to a lack of training, accountability, and support. Staff doesn't come in to the office wanting to fail and often they will quit before that get too deep into a failing culture.

    Business owners: Don't just rely on your team emailing you their results, at least once a month (We recommend weekly!) conduct an in-person (face to face or phone) Production Forecast/Training Meeting and take back control of your small business.

    Here is a short excerpt of a production review meeting that should occur in an insurance agency. If you are not an insurance agency, simply modify the conversation for your industry.

    Click here to listen to the role play. 


    E-Book Release Promotion - Free download on Wednesday April 20th. The book is no longer free after April 20th

    Preview the e-book on our website – or on Amazon

    Is it time to pull your head out of the clouds when it comes to operating your insurance agency?

    A business is a promise to consumers that your company will deliver certain products and services in a professional, knowledgeable, and efficient manner. 

    A business without a business plan is a business that is making promises that it has spent very little time preparing to keep. 

    An insurance agency that doesn't live up to its promises not only fails as a business, but it endangers the quality of life of every customer that depends on the guidance and expertise of the insurance agent that sold them the policy.

    Active Members: The Last 5 items added to the Video Library:
    1. The 20 Core Agency Processes Hyperlinks
    2. Rate Increase Role Play Audio
    3. Establishing Business Referral Partner - Short Video
    4. Professional Newsletter Templates provided in the Data Super Center
    5. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Tasks Schedule 2016 Update

    Copyright © 2016 Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring, All rights reserved. 
    You opted in to receive information, services, or goods from Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring. 

    Our mailing address is: 

    Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

    P O Box 2115

    Mansfield, Tx 76063
    Add us to your address book

  • Mon, March 28, 2016 2:02 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    A business is a promise to consumers that your company will deliver certain products and services in a professional, knowledgeable, and efficient manner. 

    A business without a business plan is a business that is making promises that it has spent very little time preparing to keep

    An insurance agency that doesn't live up to that promise not only fails as a business but it endangers the quality of life of every customer that depends on the guidance and expertise of the insurance agent that sold them the policy.

    Preview the e-book on our website – or on Amazon

    E-Book Release Promotion - Free download on Tuesday March 29th and Wednesday March 30th. The book is no longer free after March 30th.

  • Mon, October 26, 2015 10:05 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    With all the fancy technology and social media tools available today it is easy to forget the basic marketing tools and processes that have been used to create many millionaire business owners.

    I want to take a moment and dust off one of those processes . . . The Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, email merge.



    Click here to download a screen capture document that explains (in pictures) how to perform a Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, Email Merge.

    If you want to send a document to many people via email, but you want it to be personalized (such as ensuring each person is addressed individually), use Word/Excel/Outlook for an email merge. In other words, each message you send out has similar language but certain parts of the message are unique and personalized.

    An example of this might be an auto insurance renewal that’s coming up for prospects, and their current insurance company is taking a rate increase. You want to send out a marketing email to each person — all 170 of them that has information such as their current vehicles, x-date, current insurance carrier, and the producer they worked with in the agency.

    An example email would go something like this:

    “Hi Bob. This is Billy with the BMS Insurance agency. We spoke in June about your auto insurance, but you decided to stay with the ???? insurance company. According to our records your 2015 Toyota Camry is coming up for an auto insurance renewal on Jan 15, 2016. Our records also show that your current insurance provider, ???? insurance has filed for a rate increase that could impact the rates you currently pay. Bob, I hope you will take a moment and allow me to review your coverage options and compete for your insurance before you possibly pay more money without getting a second opinion.”

    As long as the personalized information underlined is provided under a column on the spreadsheet, you can merge it into the email.

    Use Word, Excel, and Outlook to send out an email to each of them, addressed and personalized, just to—and for—them.

    (Active members can locate more detailed training in the Automation and Technology section of the Video Library)

    Click here to download a screen capture document that explains (in pictures) how to perform a Word, Excel Spreadsheet, Outlook, Email Merge.


    Provided as a courtesy by

    Dr. Billy R. Williams

    President - Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring


    If you like the information and wisdom we share with you, please share it with your friends by using one of the following share buttons!



  • Thu, October 01, 2015 11:20 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    By Dr. Billy R. Williams

    This is a question I am asked every day!

    There is a very simple formula that you can use with any campaign to correctly determine the number of prospects you need in order to reach your sales goals for a prospecting campaign.

    You will need three pieces of information from any prospecting campaign:

    The total number of prospects you started with,

    Your sales goals, and,

    The total number of sales from a currently operating campaign or a completed campaign.

    Active Inspire a Nation Members: Click here to go to a spreadsheet in the video and document library that you can use to input your numbers and see not only your sales goals numbers but quote/contact and ROI per campaign

    Of course you could also use the historical information from a completed campaign to help you determine the most effective lead sources and prospecting variables to use on a future prospecting campaign.

    The simple formula is Prospects X (Sales Goals/Actual Sales)

    This formula applies regardless of the type of prospecting campaign you are currently using since it is based on the results of a currently operating prospecting campaign or a completed campaign.

    You must always consider that several variables will impact your prospecting results, these include:

    • Lead sources,
    • Technology you use to prospect,
    • The time of day you prospect,
    • The method of prospecting – phone, email, mailing, conference calls, etc.
    • The sales ability of the person or team that is prospecting.

    Don’t over think the formula. Let the numbers tell you the real story, don’t try to skew the numbers to match what you want to happen, let them honestly show you what is really happening.

    Let’s apply the formula to 4 different prospecting scenarios:

    1. You purchased a telemarketing list of 1000 names

    2. You bought 100 real time internet leads for one of your producers

    3. You mailed out 500 postcards (The postcards all had the Inspire a Nation

    recommended wording and the 5 key items that dramatically increases response rates)

    4.  You bought 1000 aged internet leads

    Scenario 1 - You provided your telemarketer with 1000 names from a purchased list: Your telemarketer called between 10 AM – 3 PM (The absolute worst times for  telemarketing!), the campaign produced 5 new sales; you wanted the telemarketing campaign to produce 20 sales. Based on the formula you will need to provide your telemarketer with 4000 names to reach your sales goals. 1000 X (20/5)

    Mentoring suggestion: Change your prospecting times and you will get better results

    Scenario 2 - You bought 100 real time internet leads for a sales rep: You used a lead management tool to immediately reply to the internet leads, and you followed the Inspire a Nation recommended internet lead follow-up schedule. You closed 10 new sales; you wanted 20 new sales. Based on the formula you will need to provide the sales rep with 200 leads to reach your sales goals. 100 X (20/10)

    Btw, don’t forget to sign up for our current web series “All things Internet Leads” The remaining sessions are 10/5/2015, 10/8/2015, and 10/15/2015

    Mentoring suggestion: Though this percentage is actually pretty good, make sure you are purchasing the highest quality (Prospects provide real information and wanted a quote) real time leads available

    Scenario 3 - You mailed out 500 postcards: You received 100 call-ins, had 20 people download information from your website, and had 12 people show up for a conference call; All this activity produced 7 sales. You wanted 10 new sales. Based on the formula you will need to mail 714 postcards on your next mailing campaign. 500 X (10/7)

    Mentoring suggestion: Make sure you are mailing to areas that match the demographics of your target prospects.

    Scenario 4 – You bought 1000 aged internet leads: Your team emailed, called, and mailed postcards to the aged internet leads over a 60 day period and you followed the Inspire a Nation recommended follow-up schedule for aged leads. All the activity associated with the prospecting produced 14 sales. You wanted 25 sales. Based on the formula you will need to purchase 1785 leads to meet your sales goals. 1000 X (25/14)

    Mentoring suggestion: You did everything right the first time through. Make sure your x-date follow-up and re-quote process are just as thorough so you get the maximum return on investment

    Btw, don’t forget to sign up for our current web series “All things Internet Leads” The remaining sessions are 10/5/2015, 10/8/2015, and 10/15/2015

    Of course if you are using Inspire a Nation recommended prospecting templates, following the Inspire a Nation recommended follow-up schedules, utilizing Inspire a Nation recommended technology, and utilizing all of the prospecting options we teach you to offer a prospect, your results will be far superior to the average agent.

    Want more awesome mentoring information? Here are some options:

    1.  Join the Inspire a Nation Mentoring Program. The program has an amazing step by step video and document library as well as biweekly, live, mentoring web meetings.

    2.  Purchase the “How to Build a $10 Million Insurance Agency in 5 Years” e-book:

    3.  Subscribe to our blog:

  • Tue, September 29, 2015 5:14 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

    There are 4 primary types of internet leads:

    1. Purchased internet leads
    2. Online search results
    3. Self-generated internet and web based leads
    4. Aged internet leads (leads that were generated by one of the methods above but they are NOT real time)


    Buying internet leads is usually a staple among businesses, especially insurance agents and mortgage brokers.

    In today’s fast paced world a prospect that submits their information on line expects to get an immediate response and expects that response to contain a good approximation of the cost and benefits of the product.

    Many insurance agencies treat today’s real time internet leads like they were yesterday’s call-ins from a yellow pages ad. That process is a recipe for: wasted money, disgruntled employees, and a bad attitude towards internet leads even though 70 – 80% of all auto shopper’s start with internet based research or outreach before making a buying decision.

    It all starts Monday October 5th at 3 PM Eastern. (2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and 12:00 PM Pacific) Click here to register:

    Not every agency is built to handle real time internet leads!

    Some would do better with web based leads; Leads that are generated from a prospect discovering or researching information as opposed to actually shopping for a product. For the purposes of this blog post we will consider a web based lead as: downloading information from a website, adding an email to a newsletter list, posting something on social networking that identifies a situation that usually requires a product or service your business can provide, etc. 

    These type of web leads are not time dependent but still show an interest on the part of the prospect.

    Some agencies would have better results if they focused on generating their own internet and web based leads.

    With a few simple steps you can create your own internet leads. While you will not get the volume that you would if you purchased internet leads, the quality will be far superior. Why you ask? Because the lead did not find you by accident, and they willingly provided you their contact information.

    They expect to receive a call from you and only you, or best case scenario, they actually call you! This is why it is so important that your phone number is prominently displayed on your website, landing pages, meta-description search results, social networking sites, and downloaded materials. Yes, you will receive calls from solicitors, but receiving real calls from interested prospects is worth the irritation.

    Some agencies would be more effective if they purchased aged internet leads. These type of leads are not as time sensitive, but still were the result of an online request for a quote.

    Many agents/agencies buy real time leads but work them so ineffectively that they turn the real time leads into aged leads before they ever get around to working them.

    What's the main driver when it comes to effectively working real time internet leads? Technology and automation.

    If your agency does not have current technology and automation to support real time internet leads, you are probably needlessly burning through your marketing budget.


    Here is what Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring is doing to help you understand the who, what, when, why, where, and how of internet leads.

    We are sponsoring a 5 web meeting series on “All things internet leads:

    We will have leading industry experts from companies that specialize in automation and technology, generation of real time internet leads, and supply of aged internet leads share their wisdom and experience with our audience.

    It all starts Monday October 5th at 3 PM Eastern. (2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and 12:00 PM Pacific) Click here to register:


    Check out some of our other blog post

    Really? Nothing works for your agency!


© Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

For the fastest response Text your First Name, Last Name, and Question to our central message center at 682-206-3836

(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

Texting to our Central Message Center is considered written permission for Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Investment Group to communicate with you by text message.



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