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The New FCC Rules Clearly Explained

Mon, March 12, 2012 1:45 PM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

It is crazy how many individuals and companies are misinterpreting the new FCC rules on auto-dialers, robo-calls, and text messaging, so let me clear some of this up for you!


The new rules:


1. Require prior express written consent for all auto-dialed or prerecorded telemarketing calls to wireless numbers and residential land lines even if you already have an established business relationship. (Telemarketing means a sales call).


2. A company can make a purely informational call (not sales) to a landline as long as the consumer's phone number is not DNC registered.


3. A company must have prior express written consent to make any business call, (telemarketing or purely informational) or send a text message to a consumer's wireless phone. (This is because consumers complained about unsolicited calls eating up their minutes, or they were being charged for the calls and text messages)


4. Express written consent can be received multiple ways including paper, e-signature, phone opt-in, and website submission.


Click below to see a form that we created and use in our partner and member agencies. This form can be emailed or used as a paper copy:


Click here to see our permission to contact form


5. Attend our free general public webinar where will explain even more info on the new 2012 FCC telemarketing rules. Click below to register


Register for the webinar by clicking on one of the dates below


Fri, Mar 16, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT


Tue, Mar 20, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT


© Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

For the fastest response Text your First Name, Last Name, and Question to our central message center at 682-206-3836

(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

Texting to our Central Message Center is considered written permission for Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Investment Group to communicate with you by text message.



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