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No Cost Methods to Market Your Small Business – Recorded Product Hotline

Mon, January 29, 2018 10:27 AM | Billy R. Williams, PhD. (Administrator)

No Cost Methods to Market Your Small Business – Recorded Product Hotline

1- 682-200-1808 Ext.1 or

For the next four weeks, I will send our newsletter subscribers, and post on our social networks, a new creative way to market your business.

There are 100s of ways to market your small business, but for the next four weeks, we will look at four ways to market your small business that are free, easy, and effective.

  1. Product Hotline
  2. Inbound Text Message
  3. Email Collection Pop-Up Box
  4. Video Email

I am going to show you the easy and free methods. Of course, there is always a paid tool and vendor that you can use for these marketing methods, but I am a big believer in cutting your teeth on the free tools before you jump and spend money on a paid version.

Using the free tools will give you some indication of the effectiveness of the marketing methods and helps you determine if the method will produce a return on investment that justifies buying a paid version.

(Note: If you are using the Inspire a Nation Data and Marketing Super Center CRM, the tools and functionality I am about to explain are already part of the system.)

Week One - Product Hotline:
Today’s consumer is bombarded with information and sales pitches, and often they only want to see or hear the specific information they are interested in locating.

They are also most likely on a mobile device. A Product Hotline makes it easy for a consumer to hear your specific message on their landline or cell phone.

Here are the steps to set up a Product Hotline:

  1. Identify a specific product you want to discuss on your hotline. (I know you will be tempted to discuss multiple products, but fight the urge! Only discuss one product or service)
  2. Create a 2 or 3-minute script for the product or service. If you can’t explain how your product or service can solve a problem in 3 minutes, you need to work on tightening up your marketing message.
  3. Sign-up for a phone number. Your account will come with a main call-in phone number, and a recorded message number that consumers can use to access your recorded message. (DMSC Users: Just select an extension and record your message.)
  4. Call your account and record your message.
  5. Create an email blast that directs readers to call your product hotline number to hear how your product or service has solved a problem for other people.
  6. Send the email blast to an audience based on an upcoming trigger such as a policy renewal or service expiration date.

Here is an actual email that we use Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring:
“Are you an insurance agent that needs help not just understanding which operational and marketing processes you need in place in your agency, but how to get them up and running with step by step instructions?
We have helped 1000s of insurance agents that need the type of help that you do, and we have done it in a much shorter time span and for $1000s less than what you would pay trying to figure it all out on your own or an expensive consultant service.
Call us at 1-682-200-1808 ext 1 to hear a short recorded message that explains how we have helped many of your peers and professional heroes and more importantly, how we can help you.

That number is 1-682-200-1808 ext. 1. Don’t delay any longer call now!”

(By the way, if you call the phone number you will hear our actual recorded hotline message)

In Summary: A product hotline is a low cost, low tech way of marketing your agency small business.

Next week: Inbound Text Message Campaign

© Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring

PO Box 2115, Mansfield, TX 76063

For the fastest response Text your First Name, Last Name, and Question to our central message center at 682-206-3836

(Why a text message? Our team is always on a call or video web meeting supporting our mentoring members. A text allows us to respond at our earliest opportunity)

Texting to our Central Message Center is considered written permission for Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring and the Williams Family Investment Group to communicate with you by text message.



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